Skin Whitening In Pakistan

Aims of Skin Whitening Procedure

The Skin whitening treatment in Islamabad has some main aims:

  • It will give you a natural result and help in self-satisfaction.
  • It will help you to treat any pigmentation issues.
  • You can get rid of sunburns.
  • This treatment will lighten up your skin tone.
  • To decrease black blotches. 
  • Assist with hormonal acne.
  • And to get a more glowing, even skin tone.

Who Is An Ideal Candidate for Skin Whitening?

You must be an ideal candidate if you want a skin whitening treatment in Islamabad. If you have acne scars, pigmentation, dry and dull skin, aging marks have appeared, your skin is damaged due to sunlight, and you are looking for a youthful and glowing appearance, then go for a skin lightening treatment. Male and females can go for a skin whitening in Islamabad, Pakistan with no age Restrictions

Treatments Available For Skin Whitening

The skin whitening treatment offered by Esthetic Care are as follows:

Laser skin lightening is one of the best and effective ways to get rid of dark skin. During this treatment procedure, laser light is used of different wavelengths, which will destroy the spots on the skin. It takes minimal time to lighten up your skin. Laser treatment also inhibits the production of melanocytes, and your complexion will become lighter.

  • Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure. During this treatment, a small handheld device is used to exfoliate the skin, removing the dead and damaged layer of the skin. This procedure will hardly take 40 minutes. If you want to rejuvenate the complexion of your face and neck, then microdermabrasion is best for you. It will give you a younger look. This cosmetic procedure also helps to lessen the sign of aging by reducing wrinkles. You may need multiple sessions of microdermabrasion to get the desired results.

  • Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion is a slightly painful process to get a fair complexion. In this treatment process, a wire-type thing is used to remove the upper damaged layer of the skin, giving you brighter and lighter skin. You will need a few sessions of it depending upon skin type and skin tone.

  • Skin Bleaching

Skin Bleaching is called topical treatment. It is the most inexpensive way to get a fair skin tone. In this treatment, bleaching cream is used to treat the dark areas of the skin. The benefit of this treatment is for a short time. You should always consult a dermatologist before using any bleaching cream to avoid skin issues.

  • Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a good option for skin whitening. In this procedure, a chemical solution is applied to the treatment area. It will remove the outer layer of the skin, giving you smoother and brighter skin. Chemical peels are used at different depths. It can be lighter or deeper, if you want quick and more promising results, go for deep chemical peels, but it will take a long recovery time. 

  • Glutathione Injections

Glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant in our body. It is responsible for regenerating skin tissues, helps build immunity, and also lights up the skin tone. When these injections are used, it will inhibit the production of melanin pigment in the body, giving you lighter and brighter skin. It would be best to have booster shots of glutathione injections to get the desired results.

Results Of Skin Whitening:

The results of skin whitening treatment in Islamabad, Pakistan are fast and effective but not permanent. You will be able to see an immense difference in your skin tone. The effects of skin whitening treatment may last for years if you have got your treatment done by the best dermatologist. At Esthetic Care, we have the best dermatologists that will help you get the best skin treatments. Skin whitening treatment has no downtime. It is the safest way to improve your complexion.

Skin Whitening Treatment After Care:

You should follow all the instructions given by your dermatologist to avoid any complications and get the desired result. If you feel any itching on the treatment area, always use a cold compression instead of scratching your skin. Always wear sunblock before going into the sunlight. After treatment, avoid going in the direct sunlight, as it will cause more damage to your skin.

Do not use any skincare products for at least a month to avoid any reaction.use the prescribed medicine regularly to get the best results.


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